Pour Christine for piano

Pour Christine
for piano (1984)
Certosa Verlag, 2 minutes

Pour Christine is a brief, impressionistic piece that was written for virtuoso pianist, Christine Paraschos, in thanks for her spectacular performance of the composer’s Persona at the Pompidou Center in Paris. The two musicians met as graduate students but had lost touch until they chanced to meet in Paris some twenty years later. Finding many musical compatibilities, they first collaborated on the Persona performance and then continued in a collaboration with artist Anne Saussois and choreographer and dancer Beth Soll for a choreographed version of the piece. Paraschos later came to Boston to give an electrifying premiere of Vercoe’s Despite our differences #1 for violin, cello and piano with Alea III.

Paraschos premiered Pour Christine on a recital at the Salle Cortot in Paris in 1985.
The piece is dedicated to her memory.